Should I use a Garnishee Order?

A garnishee order is an order made by the court that allows you to recover the money owed to you by a judgment debtor. It can be used to obtain this monetary compensation from the judgment debtor’s bank account, the debtor’s wages, and from people who owe the debtor money.

There are, however, pros and cons to using a Garnishee Order. While it allows you instant access to any and all funds that the debtor has in his or her bank account, it also means that you take the chance on the amount of money in the bank account.

Essentially, if you do not know how much money there is in a bank account, using a garnishee order is like putting your hand into a black box and hoping to grab some money. There could be a lot of money and also very little if the judgment debtor, knowing you have applied for a garnishee order, had already transferred the money out of the bank account.


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