What happens when executors or administrators breach their duties?

Executors and administrators owe fiduciary duties to the beneficiaries under the estate. If the executors or administrators breach their duties, they can be sued by the beneficiaries.

The situations in which executors or administrators can breach their duties are varied. In this regard, it is best to engage an experienced probate lawyer who can evaluate if the executors or administrators had indeed breached their duties to you, and what amount of damages you can sue the executors or administrators for.

If your finances are an obstacle to you hiring a probate lawyer on your own, you should apply to the Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) to see if you qualify for legal aid. Unable to qualify for legal aid? You can try law firms that offer low bono, i.e. below market rate legal services, such as DMO Law Corporation.


What are the duties of executors and administrators?


When are Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration matters contentious?